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Pacific Pathways • Caroline Yacoe • 223 Paiko Drive • Honolulu, Hawaii 96821 • Phone/Text (808) 384-5438 • e-mail:


The Pacific Pathways Collection
The artworks presented here are selected from our large collection for their rarity and aesthetic integrity. We specialize in personally collecting in the field particularly in the Pacific Islands area, i.e. the Baining, Sulka, and Malagan areas of Papua New Guinea and the outer islands of Vanuatu and the Solomons where few other collectors or dealers now go. Photographs of the art in situ and video footage of the rituals and ceremonies that accompany many pieces are available.
Listing by Geographic Area

"Wave after wave has brought to our shores beautiful and mysterious treasures from unknown worlds: figurines, animals, fetishes, masks, ceremonial or useful objects. They are called Primitive for want of a better name... What could never have been written is there, all the dreams and anguishes of man. The hunger for food and sex and security, the terrors of night and death, the thirst for life and the hope for survival"
Dominique deMenil, "Tribal Arts" Spring 1998
"Tamtam" slit-gong drum,
North Ambrym, Vanuatu
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